The Ego Is a Puzzle
"The ego is a puzzle. It is something like
darkness – which you can see, which you can feel, which can
obstruct your way but which does not exist. It has no positivity. It
is simply an absence, an absence of light. The ego does not exist –
how can you surrender it? The ego is only an absence of
"You cannot surrender ego, because it does not exist. You can bring a little awareness, a little consciousness, a little light. Forget completely about the ego; concentrate totally on bringing alertness into your being. And the moment your consciousness has become a flame, concentrated, you will not be able to find the ego."
Osho, The Osho Upanishad, Talk #28
"You cannot surrender ego, because it does not exist. You can bring a little awareness, a little consciousness, a little light. Forget completely about the ego; concentrate totally on bringing alertness into your being. And the moment your consciousness has become a flame, concentrated, you will not be able to find the ego."
Osho, The Osho Upanishad, Talk #28